Campus Master Plan Update Home / FAQS

Frequently Asked Questions

Why update the Campus Master Plan?

The Campus Master Plan will guide the development of UWF in the coming years. This document will inform decisions regarding the allocation of resources and the future of strategic planning. The plan will act as a realistic and feasible blueprint for the University based on the long-standing planning that has formed the campus character and physical environment. It shows the implementation and logical progression of the evolution of the University.

What is included in the Master Plan?

The UWF Campus Master Plan will include:

  • An analysis of the existing campus conditions
  • Recommendations for proposed demolitions, renovations, and new buildings
  • Open space and circulation improvements that enhance campus experience

Does the Master Plan include anything outside the borders of campus? 

The UWF Campus Master Plan will only focus on the main campus property.

How will the proposed changes and improvement in the Master Plan be implemented?

Implementation will be phased over the next ten (10) years as funding is made available.

How can I be involved in the Master Plan Process?

We want to hear from everyone, including faculty, staff, students, parents, alumni, and the community. UWF is committed to providing an inclusive master planning process designed to engage the campus and the community.

Please attend the public meeting being held: Monday, September 12, 2022 from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. at the UWF Argonaut Athletic Club Building 54.

Get Involved!

Want more information on upcoming meetings, or want to submit a question or comment?